Bonnier Books conducts business in line with the highest standards of business ethics and is compliant with local and international legislation. We do not engage in fraud, corruption or anti-competitive behaviour, and recognise our power and responsibility as a business partner and employer.


Bonnier Books makes active efforts to ensure that fraud and corruption does not occur within our business or in our relationships with external stakeholders.

Fair competition

We support and aim to achieve fair competition. Employees at Bonnier Books must comply with all relevant competition rules and must refrain from concluding unlawful anti-competitive agreements as well as exchanging unlawful price or market information with competitors.


We strive to always act in accordance with regulations, established guidelines and the precautionary principle.


Relevant policies in this area include Bonnier Books’ Code of Business Ethics, the Book Chain Project Code of Conduct, Supplier Code of Conduct, as well as Bonnier Group’s Anti-Corruption Policy, Investment Policy, Third-Party Transaction Policy and Governance Checklist.