Lessebo Paper, Livonia Print, and Bonnier Books announce the launch of a new book paper made from recycled paper waste. This initiative marks a significant step towards reducing the environmental footprint of book production.

Building on a successful collaboration that began with the launch of ‘Livonia Zero Offset by Lessebo Paper’ in early 2023, the partners have achieved a remarkable environmental impact, reducing CO2 emissions by an estimated 1,400 tonnes in 2023 for Bonnier Books alone. The LZbLP paper is now available at many European book printers and continues to be a preferred choice for publishers seeking to reduce GHG emissions.

The new product, ‘Livonia Recycled by Lessebo Paper’, continues our commitment to sustainability by utilizing unprinted paper waste from Livonia Print, transforming it into high-quality paper tailored for book production.

Through this initiative, Lessebo Paper collects unprinted paper waste accumulated at Livonia Print, and recycles it into high-quality paper for printing. This process does not only minimises waste but also reduces the environmental impact of paper- and book production.

The project is an innovative set-up where companies in the supply chain work together for a common goal – to promote circularity of materials. “Recycled paper has been on the market for a long time, but achieving the necessary volume, availability and quality for large-scale book production has always been a challenge. This initiative is a first step towards not only increasing the use of recycled paper, but also minimising both waste in our industry and transport emissions; when paper is delivered to the printer, waste paper can be taken back to the mill in the same truck“, says Markus Guldstrand, Production Director at Bonnier Books.

Jens Olson, CEO of Lessebo Paper, emphasises the importance of this milestone: “The launch of ‘Livonia Recycled by Lessebo Paper’ is another step in our commitment to the circular economy. We look forward to continued collaboration in promoting sustainability across the publishing sector.”

This Lessebo Paper quality has low emissions and excellent printing characteristics that are comparable to other Lessebo Paper grades, and differs in several ways from conventional recycled paper production:

  • In any publisher’s supply chain paper and transport represent a significant part of the GHG emission footprint. By reusing our own paper waste, and transporting this on the homebound trucks that deliver the paper, we simultaneosly address both material efficiency, waste, and emissions.
  • As this recycled paper is made from unprinted paper waste, there is no need for the extensive and chemically demanding deinking process, which normally is necessary for printed paper waste.
  • As this recycled paper quality is based on unprinted paper waste, it makes it possible to use it in high quality books where de-inked paper sometimes does not meet the quality or chemical requirements of the publisher.
  • With this arrangement in place, Bonnier Books actively seek to expand this circularity approach also to other book printers.

As with all Lessebo Paper grades, this paper is produced using renewable energy, and it is certified with the FSC® Recycled and EU Ecolabel.

Further reading